I played my last jury on Friday, and I'm free of the University of Michigan School of Music (excepting graduation, practicing, and one of Kevin's juries which I'm trying to pawn off). It's almost a bit surreal looking back on the past two years---how fast they've gone by, how much I've learned, how many years of my life have been drained from my soul...Even now as I type I gaze down at my hands in astonishment, and find myself greatly changed.
Graduation is May 1st, but somehow it seems a bit anti-climactic. My roommate Kara will be representing my family at the ceremony (still accepting applications for other family members) and I'll get to perform with one of my singers, but I think I'd feel far more fulfilled if I went to MIT and could do the following to celebrate my piano degree.
A piano drop?! Sign me up to pick it up with my bare hands and throw it off the roof! There's a climax, a celebration, a true sense of completion.
Despite the lack of a piano drop, I will say that this time in Michigan has been one of the most fulfilling of my life. So hard, but so rewarding....and still so hard. The recovery process will take some time, but the healing has already begun: therapeutic blogging, running, yoga, showering, sleeping, etc. I'm looking forward to the coming month in Ann Arbor/Utah, preparing for San Francisco and reclaiming aspects of life that I lost in pursuit of my masters degree.