Saturday, October 22, 2011

Scenic Seattle

The best part about Seattle is the sunshine. Seriously. Everyone talks up the rain and gloom so much that every day it's sunny seems like a treasure. Despite the fact that I've experienced more sun that rain here. Anyway...when sun comes you take advantage, get out of doors, and run with it. Literally. On my last sunny Free Day (when you get one a week, they always come in caps), I decided to go for a long run, with my camera in tow to capture some of the fall foliage. And divert my mind from that fact that I was attempting more mileage than ever before. RESULT (In Sequence):

Alright, so maybe the battle wounds photo was not actually TAKEN at that point, but that would have been the place in the picture series where my lanky self decided to become one with the sidewalk. The camera survived with some scratches and I'm only missing a portion of my right hand. But I will advise the following: while photography and running are lovely hobbies INDIVIDUALLY, perhaps they are best left to their independent practices. In addition to the 6'0" of ground I covered with my body, I did pull off 16.22 miles on foot, with the Injury occurring around Mile 9 (Michael Scott, anyone???). So perhaps the road and this Rhodes each gained a point that fateful Monday morning. Though given my motto of the following day, "I'm broken," I'm inclined to think that perhaps the road has a slight advantage. For now...


  1. You and michael scott seem to have far too much in common :) Seattle is BEAUTIFUL! How calm and picturesque living right by the water. It's stunning1 As for the battle wounds and taking one activity at a time.....good call. Us rhodes gals having the height and length of legs we do can't afford a drop to the ground like that!! It's a long way down sister! Be careful! Your running inspires me though! I'm starting a running program of my own!

  2. Wow Steph! Those are beautiful pictures. I wish I was out there with you! . . . so I could have documented the twin tower planting into to the ground:) I can only laugh as hard as I am because I have been in your shoes. . . literally, I wear your old running shoes all the time:) I miss you!

  3. Of all the scenic pictures, those hot legs are probably the favorite. Just a side note; take pictures of Victoria cuz as beautiful as Seattle is, Victoria is breath-taking. xoxox


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