Friday, November 30, 2012

Staying Healthy in Moscow: Is it even POSSIBLE?

People, help a girl out. Only 3 months in Moscow and I'm already on sickness #3. I will now exercise my mathematical expertise by saying that's an average of one cold per month. Except that Cold #1 lasted approximately a month, which alters the average significantly. Math aside, I am OVER it! How do you stay healthy in the winter months? Any secrets? Our winter is clearly underway, and likely not going anywhere anytime soon, so it's time to find the inner strength that has to be lurking somewhere in my immune system!

We now have a serious amount of snow accruing, and continuing to do so. I share the following picture in contrast to yesterday's. Given the darkness (I'd take pictures in the daylight if we had any) it may not be quite as apparent, but note the bench below in comparison.

It's a decent amount of snow, but nowhere near an obscene amount. So I was a bit surprised when Moscow seemed caught off guard by the pile up. We're in Russia. They know about winter right?! When I commented on the subject to a Russian friend, I got this video in response. For any Russian-speaking readers, enjoy. And for any non-Russian speakers, it's a comedic sketch on how winter is new "news" every time it comes around. You can appreciate the facial expressions at the very least.

I felt a bit caught off guard myself...of the two pairs of boots I brought to Russia, neither are going to cut it for the winter. Luckily, I have a Stateside shopping date in the near future!

Hope you're warm, healthy, and basking in rays of Vitamin D!


  1. I have been sick in Michigan for a couple months now too! I have no idea how to stay healthy, apparently. Blah.

    I'm loving all your posts lately!! :) Keep it up!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  2. Hello, Stephanie! I'm Russian. I hope you'll cope with all these 'cold' difficulties. And yes - you'd better shop for something warm, because it's too far from being cold yet. When standing at the bus stop and waiting for a marshrutka you dont feel your feet though you ARE wearing the warmest shoes and coat and whatever, then it'll be really cold :)) By the way, this is my favourite TV show. So sad that it's not on TV anymore :( Stay healthy! And SHOP, SHOP and SHOP!

  3. Stephanie - I love reading all your posts! Sounds like you're having a crazy but incredible time there! Everything you write about takes me on such a nostalgic journey all the way back to my childhood... Hope you stay healthy and well-fed! ;-)


  4. Staying

    A russian military leader Suvorov say: "Keep your feet warm and your head cool"

    Keep your feet warm - making sure your footwear is waterproof, warm, and comfortable is a must.
    Your head cool – don't ever loose the control over your temper and emotions.


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